Tuesday, March 22, 2011

These days time is flying by ,and lately I have no idea what day it is all I know is that this week has been lacking in the whole workout department , I am still walking and now running after Inara, no she isn't walking YET but she is crawling and climbing on everything.

 The other thing about time that I want to mention is the fact that yet no matter how early I get u p in the morning I am still not able to get all the things I need to get done in the morning so I ask:

 To the person or persons  that will eventually take over the world please please make the day have more hours so I can get more done, either that or gimme a pause button for me to use when ever I need to. Thank you.

My back has been pretty good now that I  have been going to the chiropractor, certain movements hurt but I try to avoid them as much as possible. My chiropractor gave me some stretches to do to help my back get better faster and it is definitely helping between adjustments.

well heres to more time ................


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