Thursday, March 17, 2011

The stress diet.

    Right off the bat, I'm ok. The city I live in is ok. My Prefecture not so much, but things are getting better. With that out of the way, back to our regularly scheduled post.

                               Admit it, you want to see a robot ride a giraffe in real life.                                 
    My workouts have been non-existent since the 11th, and I don't see myself starting up a regular schedule again till things have fully returned to normal. But, that has not stopped my progress. The stress over the last few days had an unexpected side effect, I lost my appetite completely. When dizziness started to get to me I put myself on a food schedule. I still don't want to eat much, but I am eating regularly now.  I am still walking a lot because I'm fidgety as hell at the best of times. The end result of this being my going down a belt notch in 6 days, which is not the healthiest thing to do.

                                                    Hipster Arial speaks the truth. 

    Hopefully things will be back to "normal" sooner, rather than later. Talk to you soon.


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