Thursday, March 24, 2011

Once more around the sun.

      Things are still off quilter here so I've yet to get back to my usual workout schedule. I have been trying to eat a more normal diet, but a normal sized portion is still disagreeing with my upset (from stress) stomach.

Screw you internal organs!

    On a happier note, this past monday was my birthday. I hadn't really expected to do much for my birthday before the quake, but I had intended to at least have a cake. Unfortunately with stores still having limited stock cake was not to be.

That's one sweet cake. 

   Fortunately, I do know some pretty great people.  After working with 2 of my JT's to clean up one of the class rooms, they took me out to dinner and  gave me a gift. Also when I got home I had a package waiting for me from Fran. I hadn't expect the dinner or the gifts so I was pleasantly surprised.

Woohoo! Wrapping paper to tear up.

    Hopefully my next post will involve something a little more topical, like exercise. Till then eat some cake for me.


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