Friday, March 18, 2011

I hate getting old

Well I do have to say that yes stress can go either way with dieting, and you are one of the lucky ones that have no desire to eat while stressed the other way to go is over eating while being stressed out and that's the way I am  unfortunately.  However , all of us in Canada are glad that you are okay and hoping that things get back to normal as fast as they can.

Well this week has been full of work outing and walking , until yesterday when I couldn't get out of bed because of my slipped disc acted up.... yay!   so I made an emergency trip to the chiropractor and now have to be extra careful it until it completely heals. But I am still able to be most of my work outs and all of my walking.  I have felt way lighter in the past week or so , and I bought my first pair of jeans that were a size lower than I have been!!!!!! That made me feel so good, I am starting to see the weight loss more now than I did before. I guess I am doing something right.

Gotta go chase my lil one now....

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