Saturday, March 12, 2011

Keep going...

Today is Saturday, and well Tara is in the land of no power so that's why she didn't post anything the other day. Japan as you know got hit with a 8.9 earthquake along with a ton of after shocks and to top it off a tsunami.

As far as I know Tara is OK  , just has no power.  I am writing my post because I know Tara is okay, and I know that Tara wouldn't want me to stop this blog just because of a silly natural disaster (sarcasm).  So here i am writing my post.

Nothing has really changed since I posted last , other than I have started making myseld a healthy shake for lunch instead of trying to hold Inara and TRY to make a sandwich or try to eat a yogurt or something TRY being the key word here.

so my healthy shake consists of 1 cup plain yogurt , 1/2 cup of milk, 1 whole fruit or 1/2 of berries, and 3 tablespoons of bran for  fiber mmmm fiber.

It really fills me up and I don't feel hungry in the late afternoon which before I always was and had a little snack. Plus it allows me to actually enjoy my lunch instead of saying f*%# it and not bother.

so I am going to keep up the healthy shake thing for lunch until Inara starts allowing me to make a real lunch.

anyways all my thoughts and love go out to all that are in Japan.

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