Thursday, December 16, 2010

'Tis the season for altered plans.

       So I have officially worked my last day of 2010, this is both wonderful and problematic. Wonderful, in that I finally have free time and my apartment will get a proper clean out. Problematic, in that I will no longer be walking to work or doing my fairly physical job. But, I think I may have worked out a solution.

                                                     Fun fact: I've solved a rubix cube.

       As I will have time on my hands and no work to keep the insanity at bay I've decided to up my work outs. I will go from 30 minutes to 60 minutes of my videos, and walk for a minimum of 3 hours a day (weather permitting). Hopefully if I can get myself used to this upped routine I'll be able to continue it after work starts up again and keep the dreaded plateau at bay.

                Because doing an image search of "plateau" get really boring results here's a dapper pug.

        On the nutrition front I have decided to stop journaling everything that and eat, and it's caloric count. I've found that I can not keep track in my head, and I'm able to gauge how many calories are in something with a fair amount of accuracy. So, yay for that.


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