Sunday, December 12, 2010

The gift of temptation.

     As it is the holiday season and gifts are starting to be passed around, I felt the need to address the gifts that bring temptation along for the ride. Yesterday I was given two small gifts, one from a student and his mother, and the other from a co-worker. Both of these gifts were food, more specifically chocolates and donuts. As I write this I know that another gift of chocolate awaits me, it was sent by my parents, it's mint, and it only comes out once a year.

                                                            You know you wanna.

    I plan on enjoying all these gifts, and I will eventually eat them all. In the mean time it's just going to sucks having all these foods that I love around. Along that same line I know that this year I'm getting off light. As I will be spending this holiday away from home and in an apartment that doesn't have an oven avoiding a lot of the holiday foods that are high in calories wont be that difficult for me.

                                                          I can't describe the frustration.

          In all honesty I did end up eating one of the donuts this morning and it wasn't even worth the juggling I had todo to not exceed my calorie intake for the day, Timmies it was definitely not. I'm still working hard to train myself to eat within my caloric range without having to constantly check and keep notes. So, till I can just live within my calorie range I think I'm going to face any gifts of food with a mix of dread and lust.


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