Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lunch lady arms

So you ask, "'what is the lunch lady arm?" well the lunch lady arm is by definition from the urban dictionary:  the hanging fat on the back of the arms above the elbow and under the armpit of a woman. No muscle (tricep) all blubber.  Now I wouldn't say blubber I would say flabby, loose skin.
  Not all of us have the lunch lady arm but most women know what I'm talking about.  So now we are all clear of what the lunch lady arm is , yes I too have the "lunch lady arm ".  It's really annoying actually, one of my goals is to diminish or obliterate my lunch lady arm all together by the end of April. That's 4 months away, I figure if I work really REALLY hard that it can happen. And even if my lunch lady arms don't go away entirely I will be just happy with them almost gone.  The reason why I am writing about this is not only does this bother me on a daily basis ( looking in the mirror and seeing the flabbiness that is my arm , but I have had a lot of problems lately finding a coat to wear, since I am in the land of the cold that is Canada I would like to be warm when I go out for my walks and just be warm in general.  Most of the problem is the coats barely fit my arms not to mention closing the Freakin coat  that's an entirely different rant all together.  But I finally won and found a coat that fits..... place happy dance here.

Before I go off  on another tangent I want to tell you about my week and my workout goal to push myself to a new fitness level, and my goal to start jogging on the treadmill.  Well, first I my workouts have been increasingly more intense this past week at the gym and at home.  I have increased the amount of weight on pretty much every machine that I use except for the one for my abs I am still at 40 pounds  there which doesn't really bother me that much.  Next , my goal to start jogging on the treadmill is NOT going to happen.  I tried all this week  to jog on the treadmill it's not that I am not able to jog but the treadmill makes me so nervous to run on.  I really don't want to kill myself, that and I saw someone beef it on the treadmill next to me the other day not a pretty sight.  So instead of jogging on the treadmill I came up with a different solution,  I started to use one of the other machines it's like jogging but it has you using your arms too  I don't know what it's called but I have been using that for 10 minutes as part of my workout at the gym and let me tell you I can feel it.  I plan on increasing the time on that machine as I get more fit, but for now I can barely do the the 10 minutes. 

I have been walking a lot more lately and doing more crunches and leg lunges at home but it had been a little crazy lately.   Anyways, Inara wants to play , so I gotta go .... until Monday.

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