Thursday, December 23, 2010


      So it's has now been one month since we started this little adventure and my workout program (a 4 week program) has come to an end. So, as of yesterday I'm working out with new videos, flipping between a 20 minute total body plus a 10 minute abs video and a 20 minute upper body strength video. All this is in conjunction with about 2 hours of walking a day. At then end of January I'll again switch to a new set of videos. Because I have such a small space to work out in and the fact that I don't really like working out I know that if I were to stay with the same program eventually I would give it up out of sheer boredom.

                                                   Sadly all my silly hats are in Canada. 

      An unforeseen result of this workout rotation is that I find muscles that my last program wasn't doing anything for. Case in point my thighs screaming in pain from when I woke up this morning till now.  I'm so glad I only worked my arms today, my legs could not have taken a workout today.

                                                             MY LEGS!

     Now as promised my monthly update on my belt progress. I am officially on the sixth notch, which I assume to mean my overall measurements will have gone down. I've decided to take my measurements monthly and graph them. I will post that graph every 4 months so the steady (hopefully) overall progress can be seen in a more visual manner then just numbers written in inches.

     So on that note I will say happy christmas, and return to my screaming legs.


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