Sunday, April 17, 2011

poke me and see what happens.

I hate my building and cannot wait to get out of this shit hole!! this whole week has been messed up by the lovely people who manage this building, either they are shutting the water off or needing to come in for nothing or NOT giving us notice to show the apartment so they can rent it..... grrrrrrrrrrrr.    I have to try to remember to breathe, but lately I have been extra emotional.  I can't do anything other than taking care of Inara and going for walks  and trying to pack.  I feel like I am going to explode.

But I have been pretty active so that's a plus,  I just really need out of this place and we have so much to do I feel a little overwhelmed, I guess that's what happens when you have a kid and you have to move I donno ? 

well I am going to write you a big long post tomorrow since I need to sleep.

love your goo


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