I am so dine with this whole Justin Beiber (JB for short) I know that with every new group of T'weens there are the new t'ween heart throbs. Just like me I had a hard on for The new kids on the block how ever short lived that phase was it was still there.
Now JB on the other hand has taken over the world literally last week was JB week no joke .... Seriously? people come on now what he's 12 or something how in the world can he be that AWESOME to have a whole week of JB, not to mention the fact ever TV show I watch BAM there he is on CSI , Glee etc.... I want it to stop , I have my drive back , thanks to this jackass that won't leave me in peace. I know it sounds silly but , I am going to get myself in tip top shape and some how find this 12 year old punk and kick his ass personally for the sane people of this world.
On the plus because of this douche bag I have a new goal in my weight loss challenge and much more drive. However , I still am not going to thank JB for this.
I did weight myself today and it's not looking so good for my weight I am 224 pounds so that means I have another 2.5 pounds to go I have no idea if I can get there before next week. Maybe my new found hatred for JB will push me that extra mile this week .... here I go ....
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