Monday, February 28, 2011

Here comes Big Bad Fran....

 So  Today for the first time it has been nice outside and I mean mostly warm .... it was 1degree..... sounds pretty damn cold still right ..............noooooooooo your wrong I mean really it's been minus whatever for what seems forever and I am so sick of it all I just want to go outside and walk for hours and maybe for a run.  I miss the outside.  Don't get me wrong I do brave the cold Canadian winter , I just don't like to and frankly I'm done.   And once I don't need to worry about Inara getting frost bite on her face I will be doing a hell of a lot more exercise outside and that's the way I like it.

But , on the bright side of things I am getting more and more pumped since it's starting to look nice outside, Tara ( who is awesome) sent me workout dvd's that I am starting today, I am writing my blog entry now because Miss Inara is actually having a nap without me today !!!! but now that I have said that she'll probably wake up.
And as well I have decided that since I cannot have a horse and ride right now that I am going to so something maybe equally as dangerous and go roller skating, yes I said roller skating.  Now , I haven't roller skated in a very long time so I am going to practice A LOT.    That is the first step in my master plan.  Once I have mastered not killing myself while roller skating I am going to try to see if I can get on a roller derby league, there are a few out there and there is one in Hamilton called the Hammer Girls.  They have a Roller derby 101 class that teaches you the basics of roller derby, so I plan on doing that and then do the whole league thing.  Plus it will be another awesome way of getting in shape, and hella fun too!!
And I already have a name " Big Bad Fran" , but we'll see how the whole roller skating goes first.

The gym is going good  I am going to switch it up a little at the gym just because it's getting boring , but other than that  things are good.  |Inara is awake now gotta go

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