Tuesday, June 14, 2011

only two more boxes woohhoo!!

Yes that's right people I said two more boxes to go!  I can't wait , to unpack those boxes.  Mind you I have no idea where I am going to put the stuff it's not that I don't have room for it , it's just that I really don't know where i should put things I am still kinda staring at my house wondering where things should go and moving stuff around still.  I know things will eventually find a home in my house it just all depends where that home is.

 But I have decided that Inara loves books and wants t o read every single book we own OR she just wants to lick them and eat the pages. She has a fascination with ripping the books off of the shelf and then on to the floor, all the while looking at me then giving me this evil little smile ... it's almost taunting me saying " ya that's right you are going to have to put them back on the shelf EVENTUALLY and when you do I will take them off AGAIN  mwahahaha"  something to that effect.

NO seriously people things have been good just been doing the walking and gym thing and playing outside and getting ready for Inara's birthday same old same old .

catch ya later


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