Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just for the record...

Wow I can`t believe it`s almost July! IT seemed like winter went by really slow but fast at the same time.  Any who, my week was pretty good considering that it rained alot but we needed it so I am not complaining. So I didn`t get a whole lot of walking in this week but that `s okay.  I did however go to see my awesome doctor who told me that I was right about my medication and the fact that my meds are holding on to most of my weight and making more difficult to lose it as well.... isn`t that just super... yah I thought so but the best part was when she told me that there was  NOTHING I could do to make it any better just keep doing what I have been and eat less than what my dietitian has been telling me to eat.  yepp thatès all I got for now still a little peeved at the fact that the meds I take to help me live a normal life SUCK balls to try and lose weight on .. . yay!

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